The big lake with the mermaids in it protected the fairy king and queen’s castle from invasion. Just the king and queen’s castle, nothing else. This was their holiday resort. Nobody knows where their kingdom is, but they definitely have one, since every year new fairies are banished from it for their crimes. After about three hours walk, we reached the lake. It was absolutely and beautifully fake, as if someone had built it. A smooth marble rim ran around the edge, covered here and there by the dangling branches of weeping willows. It occurred to me that if anyone was to fall in they’d find it very difficult to climb back out. Everything was mirrored in the still surface of the water; the hills, trees and an island in the very middle.
A white structure on the island caught my eye. It looked like a wooden gazebo of some kind. A white row boat was fastened to a tree nearby. If not for my past experience I would have jumped into the boat and rowed across the lake. Now, however, I turned to Star, who barked at me, jumped into the water and began to swim out to the island. I put down my pack and followed.
The water felt wrong as I dived in; a lake that looked like this shouldn’t be warm.
I was halfway out to the island when something splashed and screamed behind me. I turned in the water. It was a girl. She tried desperately to swim to shore. The marble edge would be too slippery. Without stopping to wonder where she had come from, I swam toward her. Something tugged at my sleeve. Star was trying to stop me.
“Star! Stop it! She's drowning!”
Star looked at me and growled in exasperation. She pulled me away from the sinking girl. Star was stronger than she looked. The girl glared at me through strands of dark hair. Her shriek pierced through my ears like a glass sword. Star released my sleeve with a howl. I was free. I swam back, intent on saving the girl. I got closer. Something about her seemed wrong. I didn't know what. I kept swimming. She wasn't really moving now. I paused, treading water for a few seconds... That wasn't a girl. I turned to swim after Star, my heart racing. Now I knew why she had stopped me. If I could just get to the island I would be safe. Before I could move a metre something latched onto my legs. I was yanked beneath the water.
Water filled my eyes. Teeth stabbed into my ankle. More teeth grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up.
Unconsciousness fell.
“Hey, Robert.” That was Christmas’s voice.
“Wake up!” This must be a dream. I tried to open my eyes, but it was too bright. Someone gently shook my shoulder. I partially opened my eyes. I was on a bed. Beside me was a table, beside that was a chair and on the chair was Christmas. She smiled at me.
“Hey,” she said, grinning. This must be a dream. Maybe. I hope not, though. It would be so nice if this was real.
“You’re alive.” I said. Christmas giggled.
“Yeah,” she said, nodding. “So are you.” She rested her chin on her hand.
“Is this real?” I said. I wanted it to be true.
“Yes,” she said.
I stared at the bedside table, then back at her. She was still smiling, but a tear was trickling down her cheek. I looked back at the table.
“I’m really sorry… for, um, what I did… in the tunnel,” I took a deep breath, “and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you said it was a bad idea...”
I risked a glance at her again. More tears were coming. I cleared my throat. I wasn't going to cry too, was I?
“And I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now, but I wasn't brave enough, and then we got separated because of what I did.” I looked her in the eye. “If you feel differently, I understand why.” I took a deep breath.
Christmas clasped her hands in her lap and cleared her throat.
I gathered myself together.
“I love you.”
Christmas put her hand over her mouth and began sobbing. She leaned forward and kissed me.
“I love you too.”
Comment if you liked it. I will post again on Tuesday NZST.
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