Monday, 30 July 2018

Decisions Decisions...

This will make more sense if you read the rest of the story by clicking the label at the bottom of this post.

Recorded conversation between Queen Geranium and Xaviera, her close friend.

Geranium: "It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do."
Xaviera: "You'll never convince anyone by yelling at them in that manner, that's for sure."
Geranium: "How can anyone believe something like that?"
Xaviera: "Lack of observation and constant ingraining from a very young age."
Geranium: "Maybe their planet is really overcrowded."
Xaviera: "Are you still going to carry out your threat?"
Geranium: "Yes. I'm not going to kill anyone though."
Xaviera: "There's only two days left. You can't expect them to leave in that time. All their spacecraft are off exploring."
Geranium: "I'll do something. I'll have to hold a council meeting first to decide what."
Xaviera: "I'm not sure drastic action is necessary."
Geranium: "Well I'm the queen. I can do what I want with the agreement of my Council."
Xaviera: "Then you'll have to deal with the consequences."
(door clicks shut)

(Message from camp manager to headquarters)
Manager: "Admiral, inhabitants have threatened our destruction. Requesting evacuation craft." (no reply) "Admiral, we have a day." (no reply) "Admiral!" (pause)
"I think the signal's gone."
Assistant: "Can I see?" (pause) "It says sent successfully."
Manager: "Admiral! Please reply. We're stuck on this planet. Requesting evacuation craft!" (pause) "Okay. We'll try again later."

15 minutes later
Manager: "Requesting communication with Ms Cavy." (pause) "Hello, this is settlement camp manager on planet Rata C, exploration mission CDM 964. Requesting urgent communication with Ms Cavy." (pause) "Damn! Why won't you answer your phone!" (pause)
Assistant 2: "Sir, six alien vehicles are approaching over the hill."
Manager: "Shut up!"
Assistant 2: "No!"
(a shouting match ensues)
Assistant 3: "Sir! Should I turn the alarms on?!"
(no response, shouting match continues)
(door slams) (shouting match is interrupted by wailing of alarm)
Manager: "Anabeth!"
(Assistant 3 returns)
Assistant 3: "Yes, Sir?"
Manager: "Did you set off the alarm?"
Assistant 3: "Yes Sir. You said if the situation called for it I was responsible for the camp. There are ten alien vehicles and one alien aircraft coming over the hill and you two were not behaving like responsible adults!" (pause) "So I decided to take charge of the camp and make sure nobody panicked."
Assistant 3: "Shall we step outside?"
(All leave. Door shuts)
Alarm continues for 15 minutes until the recording cuts off.

For the rest of this story click the label.

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