The Golden Hair
by Renee Anderson
Danielle: Main character, marries
Belinda: Gets picked on by slaves.
Bell: girl Villain.
Peter: Main male character, marries
Betrayer: Other girl villain.
Slave 1: Girl. Has golden bracelets
and earrings. Picks on Belinda.
Slave 2: Boy. Has 1 golden earring.
Picks on Belinda a lot.
Slave 3: Takes Danielle away every
night. Picks on Belinda.
Slave 4: Overthrows the two B's. Picks
on Belinda.
Minister: marries the two lovers.
Narrator: narrates.
Extras: Boys, Prince, slaves.
Fairy: Gives golden hair to Danielle.
Act 1, Scene 1: A meeting place for
young. At one end, an open house. Inside is a girl with a hood.
She is sitting down.
DAN: Oh woe's me, no one loves me.
Fairy appears
FAIRY: I shall help you, I am a fairy!
Tell me how I can help you!
DAN: Oh I would give anything to be
beautiful like other girls!
FAIRY: (waving her wand) Here is
something for you! (as golden hair appears)
DAN: (standing up) Oh wonder oh
Is this not a dream?
FAIRY: No, this is not a dream. Put it
on and we'll see.
DAN: (putting on the hair) Oh thank
so much, I am ever grateful
FAIRY: (disappearing) Goodbye!
Group of boys comes into the Square
moves over to where the house is.
ALL: Oh! Look! A vision! A dream! An
angel! A lady!
DAN: (aside) I must, now that I am
known, pick one just for me... (aloud) I choose you there in the
blue. Come up here and sit.
PETER: (walking up) This is indeed a
pleasure, to sit beside you oh lovely lady! (sitting down and
close to her) Oh dearest, give me a kiss. (kisses her) Thankyou
DAN: (aside) This is indeed a good
choice (aloud) You are a perfect gentleman
PETER: Thank you my lady (kisses her
Other boys go off and sulk and play.
Enter Bell
BELL: Oh there is my lover with that
poor peasant girl! Shame on him! I shall tell my mother (storms
Scene 2. An elegant drawing room with
tables and chairs etc. Belinda reclines on a chair as Slave 2 fans
her and Slave 1 holds out a tray of sweets. Enter Bell
BELIN: Dear! What is the matter?
BELL: Oh mother! My lover has forsaken
BELIN: Oh this is a great misfortune
BELL: Yes, indeed. The peasant girl he
is in love with has golden hair. I don't see what is so nice about
golden hair, brown is much nicer (fingering her own) and anyway I
don't see why he shouldn't like me
BELIN: Boys change their minds a lot
BELL: Yes but yesterday he was in love
with me and today-
BELIN: but sometimes they change their
minds very quickly. (Slave 2 removes her dress tie) You must learn
get used to them.
BELL: I don't want to get used to
(storms off)
BELIN: Oh I wish she could control her
temper (Slave 2 removes her wig) She is so hot headed. (rises)
go and talk to her.
Belinda walks off. Enter Betrayer.
BETR: I shall wait until my friend
Enter Bell
BELL: Ah, you have come!
BETR: News, news!
BELL: What is it?
BETR: The golden hair is just a wig!
BELL: This is indeed good news!
tonight we will go and steal it!
Enter Slave 3 who has been listening
BELL (to Slaves) Do not tell anyone
what we have been saying or you know what will happen
SLAVE 1: Oh no ma'am! We are just
stupid slaves. Nothing but a bad influence would make us do a
like that!
BELL: Good!
Exeunt all
Scene 3 Night. A meeting place for
the young. At the end, the same house as before. Enter Bell and
Betrayer. They creep towards the house. Enter Slave 3 unnoticed.
She creeps ahead of Bell and Betrayer and takes Danielle away. The
other two creep closer.
SLAVE 3: (aside) I'm just a stupid
slave, I don't know anything about this business at all
Slave 3 and Danielle exit. Bell and
Betrayer creep up and look in the bed.
BELL: She isn't there!
BETR: Well, we'll just have to come
back tomorrow.
Exeunt. Enter Narrator.
NAR: And so it went on for almost a
week when one night the fairy called, and so did Slave 3.
Enter Fairy, Danielle and Slave 3
DAN: Oh the dear fairy is back!
FAIRY: Oh, I just dropped in to say
that in a week the hair will be permanent!
DAN: That is indeed good news for I
have been fearing that it would be revealed that it was not real
and someone would try to steal it for themselves
FAIRY: Oh yes, about that... but you
wouldn't want to know really...
DAN: What is it?
FAIRY: Oh nothing, well goodnight
DAN: Oh well, I must go to sleep now
(yawns and lies down)
SLAVE 3: Oh I am lucky to know this,
now I know when to stop. (creeps up and takes Danielle away)
Enter Bell and Betrayer
BETR: I'm sure she must have stopped
living here, she disappears so often.
BELL: But I saw her today, kissing
that boy
BETR: Well, if she isn't here tonight
then I'll stop helping you
BELL: Fine!
They both creep up to the bed
BETR: I told you so! Good-bye! (exits)
BELL: Oh! I don't need her
Bell exits. Enter Narrator
NAR: So they parted. And at the end of
the week...
Enter Danielle
DAN: Oh the week is done and I am
(gets into bed)
Enter Bell
BELL: Now you are here I can take your
hair! (goes to the bed and picks up Danielle) Aha! Now I can take
DAN: How?
BELL: By taking your hair!
DAN: How?
BELL: Like this! (pulling at her hair)
DAN: Ow! Ow! Ow!
BELL: It must be real and I must go!
DAN: Some people have strange ways.
Scene 4. At a Church ready for a
wedding. Enter Peter
PETER: At last the happy day arrives,
when Danielle and I become one!
Enter Minister and Bell, disguised as
PETER: Come my dear and let us be
BELL: Oh yes let's!
MIN: I thought you were marrying
someone else
PETER: No I wasn't, I was going to
marry Danielle and here she is!
MIN: She looks a bit tall to me (takes
off veil)
PETER; Oh no this is Bell, not
at all!
BELL: Oh no, you have discovered me!
PETER: And hopefully now Danielle will
come - ah! here she is!
Enter Danielle in wedding dress
DAN: Oh my love!
PETER: You have come!
Enter Narrator
NAR: And so they were married and
tale is over, but not so with Bell and Belinda
Scene 5. The same drawing room as in
Scene 2. Enter Bell, Belinda and Slaves 1, 2, 3 and 4
BELL: It just so isn't fair mother! He
gets to marry that horrible peasant girl while I'm stuck with this
prince who is as ugly as an owl and twice as stupid!
BELIN: Well, my dear, the world isn't
fair but here comes that prince anyway
Enter Prince
PRIN: Oh dear and-
BELL: Go away and don't come back, I'm
not at home!
PRIN: Just so, you're not at home.
BELL: I can't stand him and-
SLAVE 4: Shut up and listen to me! We
are tired of being slaves and we'd like you to cooperate so you
be our slaves and do what we say!
Exeunt Bell and Belinda, followed by
all Slaves. Enter Narrator
NAR: And so this ends the story of
and gold with a happy-ever-after to everyone except Belinda and
who have to work every day for the rest of their lives. The End