Friday, 29 January 2016

My Pictures

I coloured most of the drawings for this post

drawing. (by me)

a picture by Bryony except the fire engine, the fire fighters, the flame troopers and some of the fire which was done by me
Kylo Ren's skirt is on fire. (Bryony drew this and I added the smile on Finn's face and the right side of the picture.)
there's treasure even inside old star destroyers. (Bryony drew the shoulders and the head and I added the rest.)
a scene from the Lord of the Rings partly drawn by Bryony. I slightly altered the hobbits and the tree roots.
another scene from Lord of the Rings drawn by Bryony.
this lady used to have no face and not so much hair, she was also wearing a very large and stiff looking ball gown, but I changed all that.
this is a picture of Anise, it was originally going to be a picture of Kili the dwarf but not after Bryony let me have it. (I think I over did the eyelashes a little bit.)
 the cat was meant to be Kili the dwarf but Bryony hadn't drawn him and I didn't want to so he's a cat now
 Bryony coloured  this and neither of us wanted to do the face so it is now a black rider, in disguise.
Bryony didn't finish this because it looked wrong so I made it look even more wrong. (on purpose)

 the ghost. One of the many pictures Bryony let me grafettify
the upside down tree. Another grafettified picture.

 Now pictures by me.

                                          this is part of the royal Immortal gardens belonging to Queen Devo. on Outer 
                                          Earth some of the plants on land look like things you would find in the sea on Earth and 
                                          some of the plants in the sea look like plants you would find on land on Earth.
this is another part of the Immortal gardens. Earth plants can be grown on outer earth but some grow to be enormous or pestilential like tomatoes there is also something in the soil on outer earth which makes some plants glow and be very poisonous and other plants grow really well.

Princess Leia
the shiny ship

another shiny ship
The Emperor
 my trees

the end.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

The Queen

Anise sat on the floor and tried to collect her thoughts; she had been taken from the Macandrews' house with Ruth to the big grey thing.  (It was in fact an Immortal slave freighting ship), where she had been put into a little cold grey room by herself and then into this small room in a strange square building and kept there for a few hours. She had been taken there by a strange lady who said Anise would be sent to the capital at 4:00 B. At the aforesaid time Anise and a group of other prisoners were put back on board the ship. They soon reached their destination and were given uniforms to put on. When they had finished dressing they were marched through a hanger into a lift and through some gates. As they went on the sun sank lower and it began to get cold and dark. Ahead lights began to appear. As they reached the first very large building they looked back to catch a last glimpse of the setting sun.
Anise felt sadly that she might not be seeing the sun again for a long time. There were more lights and now and then a vehicle passed. Soon they reached a reasonably large building where they stayed until the 1st 3:00. then they were marched into a truly enormous building where a large group of soldiers was waiting in the largest room Anise had ever seen. As they neared the group Anise saw with horror that the prince was there, near the middle of the group, standing behind a tall lady with a gold crown on her head.

Anise had never been so scared in her life. She was sure that whatever they did to her it wouldn't be something nice, seeing what the prince had done last time. When they reached the group the prince, who didn't look the least bit interested in anything going on around him, straightened, put his hands behind his back and whispered something to the lady who told something to the guards Two of them came forward and dragged Anise roughly toward the lady who stared severely down her nose at her.
“Do you know why you are here?” 
Anise took a deep breath. “No.” she said with some effort. 
The lady raised an eyebrow, “Your name is Anise isn't it?” 
“And you are fourteen and were in an aeroplane crash when you were three?” 
“Do you know why it crashed?”  
“Do you know where?” 
“Do you know who I am?” 
I am Queen Devo of the Immortals and you are all My slaves.”  The Queen turned to one of the guards, “Take this girl to floor N5 room 17 and send Ivis to guard her. Captain, take the other prisoners to floor N3, rooms 26, 27, 28 and so on, then go to floor P6 and wait for further instructions. You may go.”  They went. 
Anise was marched by the guard through a door and into a lift which took them down to floor N5. It was dark and everything was black and shining in a very unfriendly manner. Room 17 wasn't much better On the floor was a hard mattress and on the black shiny wall was a black shiny box with glowing lights and numbers on it. There was no blanket or pillow. Behind a screen was a very small bathroom with no bath or towels. When the guards had left Anise sat on the floor and cried quietly. She felt completely and horribly aloneShe wondered unhappily what had happened to the rest of the Macandrews and if they were still alive and if she'd ever see them again. She felt cold air blowing on her legs and knew what was happening. Before she lost consciousness she thought of everyone at the maid school and knew at the back of her mind that she would never see them again.

Peril at Sea

(Pirates of the Caribbean) 

Sunday, 24 January 2016

What if....

FN2185, FN2186, FN2187, FN2188, FN2189, FN2190, etc

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Immortal territory

Looking down on Outer Earth you will see that on the great northern continent there is a great desert near the sea.  North of this desert there is a great fertile plain and to the east of this is a line of mountains, the coal mountains. In these mountains is a city.
This is part of the Immortal territory and the plain is the slave lands.
In the slave lands are towns and villages named after days of the week where the working slaves and their managers live. Each town or village has at least five managers living in it in large houses. Every month the managers change to a different village. The slaves are taken from the lands around Immortal territories on raids and are flown in on large freight ships which look like metal fish.
They are taken to the Immortal capital in the mountains
where they are given their uniforms and inspected and told what jobs they will have and that it is futile to try to escape because of all the wonderful security and blah de blah de blah. Next they are issued with identity cards and flown to one of the various towns where they will probably work for the rest of their lives. Practically every citizen in Immortal territory has at least one slave so they are in high demand.  A household slave will, in small families, run errands and cook meals and generally do the housework.  A family slave will look after the children, a private slave has a number of different jobs, a show slave is chosen for her appearance and a work slave works in the slave lands or in the mines in the mountains.