Saturday, 26 December 2015

Bridget's car

One day Bridget went to the car sellers to buy a car (which is usually what you do at a car sellers). She chose a gold coloured car which although well advertised was not as good as it looked. Bridget drove the car out into the public gardens which was a favorite place for tourists and young children. She stopped by one of the gardener's houses and offered him a ride and since his friends were there too she let them in also.
They were driving along happily enough when the car started making loud revving noises and acting as if it had a mind of its own, first it drove over a heap of prunings on the side of the road, then across a garden at full speed until it reached a wall which it bumped into then drove over, shaking out everyone in the process.

On the other side it fell onto the grass and burst into flames. Of course the police soon arrived and the fire brigade and the paramedic although they all protested that they were quite alright and would like to go home. The next day the detectives came around with a long lengthy boring explanation including lots of mathematical figures and long words and they recommended that Bridget didn't buy another car of the same sort until they had pronounced them safe to drive. Unfortunately Bridget wasn't listening and only really heard the beginning and the very end and kept nodding to keep them happy. When the car people heard about the accident they were extremely sorry and said they would send her another car to compensate. It was the same sort but they were sure it wouldn't matter and that kind of accident wouldn't happen again. Soon after that the police told them to stop selling that kind of car until they said it was safe. But in the meanwhile hundreds of unsuspecting people were in for a big and rather unpleasant surprise.